Frequently Asked Questions

What is the ratio of students to teachers?

We maintain a 6:1 ratio in each of our classes.

Does my child need to be potty trained to attend?

Children are required to be potty trained to attend preschool for a variety of reasons. Our facility is not equipped to change diapers or pull-ups, nor are we licensed as such a facility. Changing diapers takes a teacher out of the classroom, which is unfair to other students. Certainly, accidents do happen and we ask all families to provide a change of clothes for such instances.

How do you handle discipline?

Social and Emotional development is very important to a preschool child’s growth. One of the most important roles as a teacher at Presbyterian Preschool is to model and teach kindness and respect. Our teachers have very clear and consistent expectations and offer a lot of positive encouragement and praise to help our students practice and develop their social skills. We focus on problem solving and modeling positive behavior to teach valuable life skills to our students. We aim to teach them respect, concern for others, problem solving, accountability, contribution, and cooperation. We want all children to feel that they are important and contributing members of our community. We encourage children to listen and express their feelings so that they can resolve conflicts through dialogue and cooperation.

Our teachers strive to prevent and redirect challenging behavior by responding to children’s needs with respect, warmth, and empathy.

How is it a faith-based program?

Presbyterian Preschool is a mission outreach for First Presbyterian Church of Santa Rosa. Their generous financial support helps keep our tuition low. We attempt to model Christian values and apply them within our conversations with children, in our presentation of basic Bible stories throughout the year, and in our daily grace said at snack time. 

Do you have extended hours available?

Because each of our classes uses the same space, we are unable to offer any extended hours at this time.